Puzzle #27


Duffus's Tea Goes Green

Duffus Mcclutski is fond of drinking tea and collects different kinds of tea from all over the world. But Duffus, doesn’t want just to drink tea and throw it away, he collects the teabags as well after using them. This actually is not that easy, cause soggy tea bags can not be preserved, so he put them in his basement to dry.

Once he decided to organize a teaparty and invited his friends. The thing was that he wanted his guests to taste the flavor of Chinese green tea, but he completely forgot where and what kind of tea was. He had to figure it out before his guests arrived. So here is what he has: 6 piles of tea, each from a different country: Canada, England, China, Jamaica, India, and the U.S.

Pile A had 2 round and 2 square bags.

Pile B had 4 double folded bags with green mouldy string and tags.

Pile C had 1155 double folded bags with tags and strings and enough mould to supply a large hospital with penicillin.

Pile D had 2 double folded bags.

Pile E had 1 new unused double folded bag.

Pile F had 10 round and 20 double folded bags with blue slime mould.

And some more information:

Most of the tea Duffus had ever drunk he brought from England, thus most of used teabags are from England.

Canadian teabags can be of different shape.

Indian tea tasted so bad, that Duffus preferred to burn all teabags rather than to drink it once more. He kept only 1 bag for his collection.

The Jamaican tea had tags so Duffus knew which they were for sure.

Duffus remembered that the green tea is in double folded bags.

Duffus also recalled being told that Canadian tea would not go mouldy because the igloos where this tea was bagged, were too cold for mould spores to survive.

The U.S tea, however, did go mouldy.

So which pile is the Chinese green tea in?



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