Puzzle #44


Mystery Number 5

There is a ten-digit mystery number (no 0 at the beginning), represented by ABCDEFGHIJ, where each numeral, from 0 to 9, is used only once. Being given the following clues, what is the number?

1) A + B + C + D + E is divisible by 6.

2) F + G + H + I + J is divisible by 5.

3) A + C + E + G + I is divisible by 9.

4) B + D + F + H + J is divisible by 2.

5) AB is a divisible by 3.

6) CD is a divisible by 4.

7) EF is a divisible by 7.

8) GH is a divisible by 8.

9) IJ is a divisible by 10.

10) FE, HC, and JA are all prime numbers.



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